As the weather station was only active from the beginning of February, I've used rainfall and temperatures from a nearby weather station to fill the missing data.
Rainfall: 1441.2 mm
Temp High: 34.7oC on 4th August
Temp Low: -14.2oC on 13th December
Temp Average: 9.7oC
Rainfall: 157.7mm
Temp High: 14.8oC on 31st
Temp Low: -14.2oC on 13th
Temp Average: 0.5oC
It was very warm today, reaching 15oC.
First thing this morning, a flock of around 150 siskins landed in our birch and were feeding on the catkins (presumably). They were extremely jumpy and I had to take these photos through a window so they didn't fly away.

Siskins, Christophstal December 2022

Siskins, Christophstal December 2022

Garden, Christophstal December 2022
Our pond froze over on the 7th December and it's been cold ever since with a couple of -13oC temperatures overnight and temperatures staying below zero during the day too. That's all about to change according to the forecasts so I thought I'd take a wide shot of the garden and frozen pond in its winter glory, before the snow all turns to sludge.
It was extremely cold overnight. When we went for a run early this morning there was lots of frost fungus about. This is supposedly a rare phenomenon where water freezes quickly in the presence of a particular bacteria in a way that produces long, thin strands of ice that are extruded through pores in dead wood. Firstly, we see this regularly in winter - so it isn't rare - and secondly, the photos below show that these have formed on the stems of dead thistles, not wood. Admittedly, this is the first time we've seen these produced on anything but dead wood.

Frost fungus on thistle stem, Christophstal December 2022

Frost fungus on thistle stem, Christophstal December 2022

Frost fungus on thistle stems, Christophstal December 2022